Mount Pleasant, D.C.

When I first moved into Washington, D.C., in 2000, my first apartment was in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood. Also, my second and third apartments. It was an vibrant, diverse community, and I fell in love with it. It was home.

Gentrification in D.C. is well-documented, and around 2005 work started ramping up on commercial development nearby. I figured change was coming, and proposed a photography project to capture what the neighborhood looked like at the time. 

Looking back, 10 years after making these photographs, much of my fears have not been realized. I no longer live there, but from my occasional visits it seems the neighborhood has maintained its sense of self and purpose. Some businesses folded, it's a bit more slick now, but there's still a charming grit.

You can see the photos here: The Mount Pleasant Project

Posted on January 10, 2017 and filed under Art, Photography.