$1 Short Stories

"A story of home, insanity and violence, on a train."

"A story of home, insanity and violence, on a train."

Several years ago, a friend and I sat around a newsroom table and tried to figure out what individual news stories were worth. As futile as our calculations probably were, there's something about the idea that stuck with me.

What's an actual piece of writing worth? The answer is nothing, if you leave it in a drawer. I recently decided to start self-publishing some of my short fiction, and have been enjoying the process of making these small "zines" or "chapbooks" or whatever you prefer to call them. There's something satisfying about making a physical item, and I enjoy the little bit of layout and design that goes into them.

The poetry is photo-illustrated, while the short-stories are a more traditional layout.  I've got them up for sale on Etsy, and you can find a link to the store here.

Posted on May 24, 2016 and filed under Writing, Zines.